Sunday, 27 September 2015

HAVE him

                 A couple of thoughts are running in the mind. A lot to say, still speechless. Bewildered among my own things. Don't want to take a random decision. But the situation demands  a specific and one sided result. The result which is ample to create a dilemma. No one is willing to understand it.  
               Somewhere there in heaven, God has decided something good for us. Have left everything on him. Because when you are unable to take a wise decision, you should have faith in him. He will take out from all the problems. 
                  Even the most powerful men rely on God's wish. Who we are to change the rules of the nature... May be God has planned a better life for us.

Thursday, 24 September 2015


             Humans we are,having the aim higher than anything and our dreams that sound too big.Of course,we have the right to dream and make desires.
Why should not we have that right? Afterall we are superior to all species present on this Earth.

              We all try to fulfill our desires. Most of us are able to achieve them also. But many of us lag behind and could not reach to their optimum levels. But it doesn't mean that we should stop dreaming. Why to underestimate ourselves before the beginning of a journey?

              The people who like travelling and visiting new places, if they decide already that they can't even take single step ahead for their journey and they don't even catch their buses or trains or any conveyance for their journey. Can they ever reach their destination? Never...

                 How can we expect ourselves to reach a goal without even preparing for it? And that preparation requires our 100% dedication and sacrifice. Try to give our best for achieving our aim. These all things are required before our final assessment.

                  " If you are going for a war then prepare yourself before the war. If you are busy in the preparation during the war when will you have the time to fight then?" 

Wednesday, 23 September 2015


You have no idea what you are falling for...?
Have you ever thought about it before??
But in the last few days,you must have thought,I think so..

"It's my beginning..." great you are.. !
Trying to catch the nodes by probes;
Gud going dear....keep it on.

I want to see you doing it. 
Waiting and just waiting..
whole day and nights,
To see it accomplished. 


DEAR MUSIC.....thanks!

I am here not because of you
Instead I chose to be here...

Good words of yours make me feel ethereal;
as if they want me to play with them.

Beautiful you who taught me 
to live in the present moments.

I can feel your true sense;
Not because I am emotional
but because I want it to be lived with you,
At each & every time of the rhyme.

The sensational thoughts of yours 
when run across my mind,
make my soul hearty.

Dear Music,Flourish my heart
with your amiable tonality as always.


Tuesday, 22 September 2015

SERENITY...of the heart

I have felt shivering
in the strong sun;
More or less, it was a
rainy season covered 
with the fog...

Day it was
or a blind night;
can't remember exactly.

Why was I there?
For no purpose I think.

The roughness of the sky
was piercing my heart.
Screams of the lost words
went through the ears
And passing by from the 
side of my hairs;
made me dumbstruck.

Intimidated by those promises
that I had made to myself.

As if I was the most wretched
person on the Earth.
Why was everything 
so clumsy to me?

The spherical shaped water drops
when I felt rolling down from
my cheeks;
Good wishes only I could make
for them;
who couldn't feel the storm
inside my deep breathe.

Friday, 18 September 2015


I will always be a learner,
No matter how much I could learn.
No matter how I get the resources,
The thing which matters;
Is the desire and the thirst
Which would never get finished.

The purpose of education
Is to make your mind open;
For accepting the new things.

Education not only imparts
the theories which have invented,
But also makes the people
capable of inventing 
And exploring,
Representing and initiating.

Life is to learn and accept 
the challenges made to ourselves.

Thursday, 17 September 2015


Long days;
Little talks,
Fake anger,
May go ever
but the beauty 
of the 
will fade never.
Like the beauty 
of the rain
which doesn't degrade,
The bond will get stronger 
after every single day.

Tuesday, 15 September 2015


       The theory which is far away from Newton's laws and Paulli's principles.The theory which has no link with the Pythagoras rules and heisenberg's uncertainty. Still have something in common between us somewhere being an engineer....

       So, wishing " Happy Engineers Day". Hope, very soon I might disclose the logic behind that hidden theory.


Monday, 14 September 2015

HERE YOU ARE....Beginning of a theory

              I stopped waiting and started writing....; following the words, " If you can like it then you can write it". Really it gives me an immense pleasure. Like an unbounded thinker,free I am to express myself. No one can stop me...

                Although my waiting period is never going to be finished. But I think it is the best substitute for it. The best moments of my life also. Going to give a new theory for that. A single theory for all the situations of the life same as that by Prof. Stephen Hawking, one of the venerable personalities for me.

              Theories never end. Every logic is interrelated with one another. Like this Universe which has no beginning or end, we are the persons having the endless thoughts.  Let us dive into these ethereal things. Let us try to bring out the best from ourselves.


   Heading toward the journey of the life,

      Realizing some of the facts,

      Just came across the superficial behaviour;

      Of the peoples,

      Not being sure of their demeanour,

      Tried to trust them.

      Some being very genuine made me aware of the facts.

      Still was happy with those ephemeral moments.

      Days gone and so the time;

      Teaching some of the best lessons of the life.

      Heart sometimes fills with gratitude for those special friends;

      Who are an unforgettable part of the endless journey

      That's why life is called a "Learning phase".          


Sunday, 13 September 2015



        Sometimes I may be wrong but not all the times. As you said "You are very late regarding your aim......". 

        Yaa, I accept that I am very late, I must have decided all these things earlier but what to do now?? There is no way to bring back the past again, so I will have to survive here only. Yup, I have also heard that " It's never too late to begin for a new aim". So I am just following it. 

          Actually, you know what... I am following my heart. I don't want to die with the pain that I never tried for the thing I wanted to achieve. Although it's my luck whether I get it or not. Atleast I must have the satisfaction that " Yes, I tried atleast once for achieving it". 

            People will keep on saying what they say normally... It neither  mattered for me nor would it. Let them say.

           A person must be satisfied within himself. There are thousands of people to criticize you at each and every step. It depends on us what we want to accept or reject.         

          So I keep on relishing my life, no matter what happens. Just listen to your heart and do whatever your soul wishes... It's the secret of happy life for me ;)

Saturday, 12 September 2015


An epitome of our epics,
An occult prayer of the closed eyes,
A word to the complete poetry,
What's that which makes me spellbound.

Love to hear those slangs from you;
And then making me smile everytime;
You steal all my rage.

Unlike all the sophisticated relations,
It just lures me to you,
How can I be angry with you?

The best thing I could do,
Is to keep you in my words always;
As an art of my pen,
So that you could know that;
It's not too bad to be my 'DP'.

Friday, 11 September 2015



Yes, I know...
Nothing lasts forever;
In this sophisticated world.

Neither the towns, nor the elegant houses,

But I am immortal,
And you can't erase me off from your mind.

As I am a thought; not a person,
Will last until your breathe converts into mine.